Helping One of Our Own

If you’ve ever been to a game, you know who Geof Morris is. He’s the loudest voice in the VBC, head rabble-rouser in the former Section 24, and the only man to ever get tossed out of a game by an over-zealous, one-legged Zamboni driver. He’s the driving force behind,, and the president of the Blue Line Club. But more than all those things, Geof is my friend.

Geof is in a tough place right now. I won’t trespass into the details of what exactly has transpired, but suffice it to say, he could use some words of encouragement right now. Therefore, I humbly ask that you take a moment to consider sending a note to our beloved loud-mouth. It needn’t be much, but any kind words you have for Geof would appreciated.

Please send anything you may have to say to, and Jamie will see to it that those words are hand delivered to our friend.

Thank you,