RIP Geof Morris

Update: If you would like to honor Geof, you can make a donation to his high school alma mater, the Mississippi School for Math and Science:

Geof Morris Memorial Gift
MSMS Foundation
1100 College Street W-190
Columbus, MS 39701

Geof Morris, one of UAH hockey’s staunchest and most colorful supporters and the creator of, died Saturday at the age of 43.

Geof fell in love with UAH right when we stepped on campus in 1997. He earned a bachelor’s degree in aerospace and aeronautical engineering from UAH in 2002. He also served the school for five years in the SGA as Executive Vice-President, Chief Justice, Chief of Staff and Engineering Legislator.

That love extended to the hockey program. Geof was the color commentator for UAH’s internet-only student radio during his senior year. He also filled in as play-by-play or color on Internet streams during the 2013-14 season.

In 2010, Geof created At first, the site was an official arm of the Chargers, but over time it became an independent voice, and Geof was not afraid to be critical of the program or the university if he felt it was necessary. He wanted the Chargers to be a program he, the school, and the community could be proud of.

And when the Charger program was planned to be cut in 2011, Geof was a big part in getting it saved.

Geof couldn’t devote the time to this site or the program in recent years, partly because his day job (which oftentimes was never day) involved communicating with the astronauts on the International Space Station as Payload Operations Director at NASA. When he did post, he wrote with a certain style that wasn’t your typical game recap.

Oh, and he never missed a chance to poke Bemidji State.

Geof still maintained the systems behind the site, allowing me to continue writing about UAH hockey. I’ll always appreciate the opportunity he gave me to keep ties with the program we love so much, even from almost 600 miles away from Huntsville, and even as times have been so rough. And it was always cathartic to vent about these tough times in our back channels.

Hopefully one day UAH hockey will be back. And when it happens, we should do everything we can to make it the program you wanted to see in life.

Here’s to you, Geof. Thank you. Rest in peace. Ad astra. Go Chargers.

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Geof F. Morris, 1978-2022