is now Charger Hockey Journal is now Charger Hockey Journal. It’s a change we had considered for a while, since the original name implied we were official, which we certainly weren’t.

We were going to rebrand when the UAH varsity program got accepted into a conference, but that obviously didn’t turn out so well. With the UAH club hockey team having big plans to grow this season, now seemed like a good time to finally make the change.

The plan is to provide more coverage of the UAH club team, as well as continuing to follow any efforts to resurrect the NCAA program. I can’t guarantee it will be as prolific as during the Division I days (I still live in North Carolina, after all), but I want to do what I can to help.

The domain now redirects to If the NCAA program ever comes back, I will hand over the domain to the university or the program for official use.

As always, thanks for reading and supporting Charger hockey, whatever form it may be.

–Michael Napier