Going Forward

You’ll have noticed that we’ve been busy in the last couple of weeks in the run-up to our first four home games. Y’all can ready the schedule just as well as I can: it’s seven weeks between home games for us, as the boys start this weekend at St. Cloud State for six straight road weekends. While we’ll be doing Catching the Game posts and some recaps of road games as our schedules permit, things will necessarily slow down here for a little bit.

But with that said, we want to know what you want to see from us. Some ideas that are rough plans: catching up with former Chargers; video interviews with current players; interviews with Coach Kleinendorst and Dr. Brophy about the state of the program. You may have ideas that we haven’t even thought of! That’s why we’ve opened this post to comments if you catch us on the Web; I’m sure that we’ll see some traffic on Facebook and Twitter, too. We earnestly request your feedback.

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