UAH 3, Oklahoma 1

Coach Kurt Kleinendorst addressed a number of us boosters at lunch today and said, “Our guys will have their hands full this weekend.”  He was right: Oklahoma’s club team is a cut above the SECHC teams.  While the Sooners competed hard, I never felt that this game was in doubt, even with the score knotted at 1-1 midway through the first period.  Indeed, it was a 3-1 UAH victory. [BOX]

Sebastian Geoffrion had quite the night.  The senior from Brentwood scored the opening and closing goals on the night while assisting on the middle one, which was scored by Frank Misuraca on the power play.

The Sooners out-shot the Chargers in the second frame, but their six minor penalties really kept them from making a move in the game.  UAH had a 5-on-3 for :57 with consecutive minors for embellishment—haven’t seen that called in a while; Doug Martinson might have given that one out—and interference late in the second, but the boys in blue couldn’t light the red lamp.

Saturday’s contest will return us to the familiar environs of the VBC at the unfamiliar time of 3:00 p.m.  Hope to see you there for the last home hockey that we’ll see until … October.