
Incoming Interview: Ben Reinhardt

Ben Reinhardt is a 5’10”, 185-lb defenseman who hails from Arnprior, Ontario. Ben arrives in Huntsville after playing five years for the Pembroke Lumber Kings of the Central Canada Hockey League. The Lumber Kings won the CCHL league championship in all five of his seasons, and the Lumber Kings won the 2010-11 RBC Cup under his captainship. Reinhardt was named a first-team CCHL all-star in 2010-11, scoring 3-20–23 in 36 games played. Reinhardt was voted the CCHL’S Best Defenseman in 2009-10. In all, Reinhardt played in 278 games played, scoring 18-78–96.

As with our other interviews, my questions will be in bold-face type.

When did you first start playing hockey? Who in your family played and was involved in you taking up the game? Have you always played your position, or have you played elsewhere on the ice? What was your favorite team and player growing up?

I started to play hockey when I was five years old. Both my mom and dad are hockey fans and always where behind me to take up the game and have fun with it. My dad played hockey growing up and was a very influential figure growing up, helping me with little things with the game. I stared out as a defenceman growing up since I was the one of the few who could skate backwards. I moved up to forward for a bit here and there in minor hockey, but I always was the type of player who was more concerned about keeping the puck out of the net rather than putting it in. Growing up just outside of Ottawa, I have to say I’m a Senators fan since its been branded in me from such a young age, being a local kid. As for my favorite player, it would have to be ex-Senator Anton Volchenkov, as I admire his stay-at-home, do-whatever-it-takes style of defence.

Why do you want to play college hockey as your junior career came to an end? What schools recruited you other than UAH? Why did you choose UAH?

The reason I chose to go the college route was since, in my eyes, hockey has a shelf life. Even those players who do play pro only play to their 40s, maybe. After that, what do they have to fall back on? College for me was a great way of getting a high level education and playing something I love to do. As for college options, I had a couple options but UAH to me felt like the best, a good up-and-coming hockey program, as well as a top-notch education.

What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses on the ice? What is your favorite game situation?

My strengths on the ice are on the defensive side of the puck. I’m a guy that can be defensively solid when it’s needed, especially as on the penalty kill. As for weaknesses in my game, I’m definitely not a very offensive guy—someone who scoring doesn’t necessarily come as first nature.

When you’re not playing hockey, what are your favorite sports? If we come across you away from the rink, what are you going to be doing?

When I’m not playing hockey, my favourite sport is definitely golf. I love to watch the PGA as well as play the game. It’s one of my passions and something I really love to do in the offseason. Away from the rink, you would more than likely see me watching movies or playing video games, they are both hobbies of mine, along with working out.

What do you want out of your UAH experience? What do you expect to learn here to make you a more well-rounded person?

What I want out of my time at UAH is to get a high-level education as well as at the same time able to play hockey at a high level, which is clearly a passion of my mine. I want to continue to grow and mature as a hockey player and a person. I expect to learn more about sacrifice and determination as a part of my experience. Both are needed to be a better athlete but also a better person. Being a student-athlete in any sport demands both of these traits.