
UAH Assistant Mike Warde Resigns to Accept West Point Job

When Mike Warde tries to get a hold of me twice in one day, something is usually up, and today was not unusual in that regard. Today’s news was that Mike had tendered his resignation as the top assistant at UAH Hockey effective 9/1 to take the equivalent position at the United States Military Academy at West Point. The top assistant at Army has been open since Rob Haberbusch took the job at Hamilton College (N.Y.). Mike coached for Army in the past, so a chance to return there had to be attractive to him.

Warde told me that he had informed the players in a meeting this morning. He and Angela both wanted me and all of you to know that this comes with mixed emotion’s. Angela has family in southern middle Tennessee, which is one reason they were interested in UAH in the first place. I’ve really gotten the sense over the last year-plus that they liked it here, and I’m personally sad to see them leave Huntsville. Thanks for all you’ve done for us, Mike.