Say Goodbye to Your 2012-13 Chargers

These guys ran the gauntlet: 10 of 11 Division I weekends on the road, constantly on the road, including six weekends straight. They didn’t know if the team would ever get in a Division I conference again, and there was a lot of uncertainty as to what that might be a program.

What was certain was that these guys didn’t quit.  What’s certain now is that UAH Hockey lives to fight another year.  The boys are in their first stable Division I home after 20 years of life as an independent and in the ill-fated College Hockey America.  Now UAH has made it.  These guys are a big reason why.

2012-13 Team Photo Postseason

So here’s to Steve, Chad, Jack, Anderson, Jeff, Steve, Lasse, and Graeme; to Mike, Frank, Jamie, Ben, Alex, and Mat; to CJ, Craig, Justin, Brice, Johnny, Doug, Curtis, Gregg, and Sebastian; to Kyle, who’s doing work in Atlanta; to Coach Kleinendorst, Coach Garber, Coach Morgan, and Tim Flynn.

Here’s to success not always being measured in wins, and here’s to those successes garnering more wins next year like you know the boys want to see.

Here’s to Charger Hockey.