Quick Update

We’ve got two short things to throw your way:

  1. We’re interviewing Dr. Altenkirch about the past, present, and future of the program. We’ve got a list of questions that we’re thinking of asking, but you might have some ideas that we haven’t thought of.  So: if you could ask Dr. Altenkirch one thing about the program, what would it be?
  2. We put out a call on Facebook the other day for writers and photographers.  We’ve already had great responses with the photographers (although we welcome more interest), but we’re still hoping to hear about writers and/or editors.  We’re planning features, short pieces, and recaps during the season, and we’d love to bring along bright young hockey minds for the ride.  We pay in high fives, bylines/credits, and your copyright on the material.  We will also give recommendations to future employers.  If you’re interested, drop me an email at g@uahhockey.com and we’ll trade ideas.