
Incoming Interview: Michael Webley

Michael Webley spent the last three seasons playing with the Gloucester Rangers of the Central Canada Hockey League. The 6’0″, 180-lb. forward exploded offensively during the 2010-11 season, appearing in 59 games and scoring 37-64–101 to finish fourth in the league scoring race. For his efforts, he was honored with the Sportsmanship and Ability Award by the Central Canada Hockey League. Webley played in 248 career games in juniors, scoring 100-152–252.

As with our other interviews, my questions will be in bold-face type.

When did you first start playing hockey? Who in your family played and was involved in you taking up the game? Have you always played your position, or have you played elsewhere on the ice? What was your favorite team and player growing up?

I started playing hockey at the age of five. My dad played professional hockey but encouraged me to try me to any sport I wanted. But for me, being from Canada it was a no-brainer to choose hockey. I have always played a forward position, left-wing or center, since a young age. My favorite player was Joe Sakic, and of course being from Ottawa, my favorite team is the Ottawa Senators.

Why do you want to play college hockey as your junior career came to an end? What schools recruited you other than UAH? Why did you choose UAH?

I always felt that getting a good education and playing the game I love was an easy decision for me. Playing in the NCAA was always a goal of mine. I was drafted to the OHL, which was a great honor, but I had already made up my mind at 16 that the NCAA was what I wanted. I had many schools approach me, both Division I and III, but after visiting the campus that UAH, I knew it was the right spot for me. I really liked the opportunity that was presented and made my decision to join the Chargers.

What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses on the ice? What is your favorite game situation?

My strengths are I have good vision on the ice and being hardworking. My weakness would be that I don’t have the biggest frame in the world, so I have to find other ways to be successful in the physical side of the game.

When you’re not playing hockey, what are your favorite sports? If we come across you away from the rink, what are you going to be doing?

I have always enjoyed playing a lot of different sports but I guess my favorite, besides hockey, would be golf. I have been playing golf as long as I have been playing hockey, and a highlight was me was getting a hole-in-one a couple of years ago.

What do you want out of your UAH experience? What do you expect to learn here to make you a more well-rounded person?

From my UAH experience, I am hoping to get a great education and continue to grow as a hockey player. I am expecting to learn some great time-management skills, balancing my busy hockey schedule and my school schedule. I think Huntsville is a great city, and I am proud to represent it and UAH as a Charger.