2012 Hockey Banquet

Coach Luongo wanted us to pass this along:

Dear Charger Faithful,

The UAH Hockey Awards Banquet will be upon this Friday, April 20th at 6 pm at the University Center on the UAH campus, and we want you to be there! If you have not responded and you wish to attend, please do so ASAP. You can send notice of your joining us to Chris.Luongo@uah.edu. You can pay the $25 that night by credit card or check. We need to have some final numbers for food orders so please respond Tuesday, April 17th . UAH President Dr. Robert Altenkirch will be joining us and will be giving us the latest status on UAH Hockey and league membership. It will be a special event for our fans and our Student-Athletes. I look forward to seeing you there.


Chris Luongo

I’ll be there. I hope to see you there!