Bowling Green 3, UAH 0

#28 Ben Reinhardt controls the puck behind the net.  (Credit: Todd Pavlack,

#28 Ben Reinhardt controls the puck behind the net. (Credit: Todd Pavlack,

Matt Larose stopped 40-of-43 shots on goal tonight, an effort that I’d rate as his best performance of the season (though his effort against Ferris was also very good). The Friday night blues weren’t played tonight, but the boys never could solve Bowling Green State University’s Tommy Burke, who logged his first collegiate shutout and the Chargers fall 3-0 to the Falcons on a snowy night in northwest Ohio that had many in their fan base missing the game in favor of the MAC championship game for their Falcons.

The Falcons’ best pressure was applied on special teams, whether they had the advantage or not.  Two of those three goals allowed were power-play goals.  One was a multiple-effort goal:

… and the second one came late in the second.

While the goals didn’t come, there was some great effort out there.

But unfortunately, it was a lot of this tonight:

The puck drops again tomorrow at 6:07 Huntsville time, but if you haven’t had enough hockey yet, there’s always more:

Have a great night, everybody.