UAH rallies again, but another late goal gives CC sweep

UAH’s second game of the season followed the same storyline as the first. Unfortunately, that included the ending.

The Chargers rallied from a 3-0 deficit to tie, but another late third period goal by Colorado College resulted in a 4-3 loss Saturday night in Colorado Springs.

CC won Friday’s game 3-2 in similar fashion: Take a lead, give it up, win it late anyway.

In the first, the Chargers found themselves shorthanded three times, and Colorado College spent much of the period in their offensive zone.

Matt Larose did what he could to withstand the onslaught, but only could do so much. On the one power play UAH had, Hunter Fejes took a shorthanded breakaway and backhanded over Larose to give CC a 1-0 lead at the 8:59 mark.

It seemed the Chargers would at least have a smaller first-period deficit than Friday night, but Alex Roos scored with 3.6 left in the frame, and the Tigers again lead 2-0 after one — just like Friday — and outshot the Chargers 15-4.

Also like Friday, could the Chargers have another second-period rally? It would become a chore quickly, after Christian Heil made it 3-0 Tigers just 25 seconds in.

Still, the answer was yes. Three blasts of yes.

UAH would score three unanswered goals, all defenseman blasts from just inside the blue line that found their way past CC goaltender Chase Perry.

The first was by Brandon Carlson from the right point at 6:12, assisted by Cody Marooney and Regan Soquila.

The second was by Misuraca at 16:26, with shades of the overtime winner he had against Bowling Green last season. His MisuRocket™ was assisted by Carlson and Matt Salhany, also from the right point.

Then Carlson got the equalizer just two minutes later, which was more from center but still close to the right point. Misuraca and Marooney with the helpers.

All this despite the Tigers outshooting the Chargers 20-8 for the period. Larose did his part with glove saves of blasts and covering up critical rebounds and redirects.

Boosted by the rally, the Chargers had an extra step in the third period. After being outshot all weekend, UAH had a 14-10 advantage in the final frame. Meanwhile, Larose continued to make big saves, even after needing attention for a right leg cramp.
However, just like Friday — again — the Tigers needed just one shot for the win. It came from Peter Stoykewych, who — like the three UAH goals — was a blast from just inside the blue line with 5:26 to go. Colorado College then clamped down to preserve their 4-3 win.

Larose finished the night with 41 saves.

UAH (0-2) opens the home season next Friday and Saturday (Oct. 17 and 18) against Bowling Green.

Mike Corbett talks with Candace Horgan of